Fortune telling room...
You don’t have to register to receive answers in the Section „Magic room”!
The room offers you to find out:
·Your lucky number (1 to 9),
·Lucky numbers for lottery,
·Lucky day of the week,
·Lucky date,
·Lucky time of day.
You can read a description and meaning of numbersat the end of divination.
In order to receive a password and start divination you can (4,49 EUR) pay with PayPal.
To start divination click get a password and choose your payment method.
The number that you will see tells the progress of any issue and helps you to find the right direction. For example:
·What should I do to build a relationship with (person’s name) in a positive manner?
·What should I do to put my life in order?
·What will be the result of my actions?
Your questions can be phrased in many different ways, however it is recommended to receive a forecast for one week because it’s going to be more accurate. Furthermore a person should not ask the same question more than once – incorrect information could be received because of lack of belief in divination.